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If you are interested in Keynu, please let us know
  • Please note that the Keynu is not yet in production, and there is no guarantee that it will ever be. You can help ensure it is produced by completing and submitting the information form below.
  • The purpose of the information form is to guage the level of interest in Keynu.
  • If/when Keynu is produced, you will be one of the first to be notified.
  • Submitting this information does not obligate you to purchase a Keynu.
  • Your identifying information will not be shared with any other organization.

Information Form
Your email address:
Your zip code:
Your age group:
Your profession:
Your country:
What is the maximum you would pay for a Keynu?
How many Keynu's would you be likely to purchase?
How long would you be willing to spend practicing to use a Keynu?
What are the reasons you would buy a Keynu? (select all that apply)
How did you hear about Keynu?

Contact us at info@keynu.com